Detective X is a quick skill that will have you solving a murder and escaping a room at the same time!
The skill functions properly, but could use some visuals in order to make it stand out. Voiceovers and SoundFX are great and set the mode nicely. Give it a try Link listed below.
VoiceSpark Live Review Says
Over all review (3.8 out of 5 Sparks)
Voice Spark – 2020 Sparky Award Winner Third Place
Sound & FX: (5 out of 5 Sparks)
Replayability: (3 out of 5 Sparks)
Graphics & Multimodal: (3 out of 5 Sparks)
Conversational Design: (4 out of 5 Sparks)
Theme: (4 out of 5 Sparks)
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